
Shiny Suzy

Essay, silent
Shot in Super 8

Production: France

Release: 2nd March 2021

With Suzy Cotet

Suzy dances, and the camera dances with her. The light dances. The textures sparkle on the film.
And Suzy shines.

This film is an essay on light and rhythm. If the cinema I love often does without words, I decided here to make a silent film. I wanted to let the lights shine, to let the plasticity of the film sparkles, and Suzy sparkles us. This essay is about texture and movement, it is a solo dance. But it is also a choreography between a body and a camera. It is Suzy's movements and those of the camera, those of the light printed on the film.
It is a question of filming the people around me, of sublimating them, of making sure that their image are printed on the film and that it remains. I want to keep a trace of these people, those who are part of my life, who give it a rhythm, who illuminate it.

Festivals 2021:

“Honorable mention”, Screener Short Films, London, United Kingdom
Pugnant Film Series: A homeless mobile cinema vol.7, Athens, Greece

︎ Suzy Cotet



Shot in Super 8

Production: France

Release: 28th August 2020

This essay is about my solitary wanderings in the summer heat. Going from town to town, filming the details of these places, fragments of my daily life, I became aware that life was becoming sweeter again. If I still thought a lot about this boy, I kept a sweet and beautiful memory of him, and above all, I had healed.

This essay, shot in the summer of 2018, echoes an essay made in the winter of that same year, What remains beautiful. It brings to close a story that ended a few months earlier.

What remains beautiful

Shot in Super 8

Production: France

Release: 27th March 2020
That morning I had a bitter feeling. All day long I thought of him, wandering alone on that cold snowy day. I couldn't speak. My eyes kept filling up with tears. My heart was in my throat. I thought about him and I knew that it was over between us.

This essay is my first Super 8 film, shot in February 2018, during a workshop offered by ETNA, an independent experimental film laboratory located in Montreuil, France.