
Psychedelic experiments

Flowers and paint on Super 8 film. 

Shiny Suzy

Essay, silent
Shot in Super 8

Release: 2nd March 2021

Suzy dances, and the camera dances with her.
The light dances. The textures sparkle on the film.
And Suzy shines.

Festivals 2021 :
“Honorable mention”, Screener Short Films, London, United Kingdom
Pugnant Film Series: A homeless mobile cinema vol.7, Athens, Greece

︎ Suzy Cotet


Shot in Super 8

Release: 28th August 2020

This essay is about my solitary wanderings in the summer heat. Going from town to town, filming the details of these places, fragments of my daily life, I became aware that life was becoming sweeter again. If I still thought a lot about this boy, I kept a sweet and beautiful memory of him, and above all, I had healed.

This essay, shot in the summer of 2018, echoes an essay made in the winter of that same year, What remains beautiful. It brings to close a story that ended a few months earlier.

What remains beautiful

Shot in Super 8

Release: 28th August 2020
That morning I had a bitter feeling. All day long I thought of him, wandering alone on that cold snowy day. I couldn't speak. My eyes kept filling up with tears. My heart was in my throat. I thought about him and I knew that it was over between us.

This essay is my first Super 8 film, shot in February 2018, during a workshop offered by ETNA, an independent experimental film laboratory located in Montreuil, France.


Poppies and paint on 16 mm film.